Download Superbolt LST Product brochure
Easy preload measurement
A true innovation in the field of preload monitoring, the Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner (LST) is among the first of Nord-Lock Group’s Industry 4.0 products.
Equipped with a strain-measuring device, the patented LST analyzes the variation of the tensioner’s circumference in proportion to the variation in bolt preload. Additionally, the LST offers remote monitoring and a live reading of data – all with an accuracy that is better than +/-5%!

Want to know more about Nord-Lock Group’s Load-Sensing Solutions?

Benefits of the LST:
- Remote preload monitoring and a live reading of data
- Facilitates more uptime during service
- Precise and repeatable preload reading
- Eliminates the need for modifications of the bolt
- Seamless to retrofit/upgrade — simply replace original nut with the LST
- Robust and reliable, IP67 classed
- Accurate preload verification without adjustment of clamped parts
- No alteration needed of the assembly (including stud or joint design or geometry)
- Removes risk of injuries for operators in hazardous areas
- Eliminates high costs on labor, additional measuring devices and periodic verification by maintenance