Power Generation

Different sources need different methods, but reliability is always the key

Energy and power has become so essential to us that it’s now almost as important as air and water. Today it is generated from an increasing number of sources. From raw materials such as coal, natural gas or petroleum, to more recent methods involving natural elements including sun, air and sea.

As our reliance on power and energy grows, so do the challenges faced when extracting it. Diminishing natural resources and demands for clean renewable energy mean that we need to source power from increasingly isolated and inaccessible locations. Machinery is also expected to withstand a growing amount of pressure in extreme conditions, meaning that bolted connections must be more reliable than ever.

The Nord-Lock Group products are specifically developed to help you find the most practical answers to these challenges. We can offer you a variety of bolt tightening solutions that are quick and easy to install, without requiring frequent checking or retightening. Whether you work far out to sea or deep beneath the ground, these advantages can increase the lifespan of your application and minimise downtime.

From the Nord-Lock washers that can withstand the high temperatures of gas platforms to Typhoon tensioners that are specially designed for space-restricted applications such as wind turbines – we have a solution for every application in the sector. For this reason, Nord-Lock Group products can be found in countless applications including wind turbines, solar panels, steam powered generators, hydroelectric valves, irradiated areas and many more.

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