Arruelas Originais Nord-Lock

Arruelas Originais Nord-Lock

A Nord-Lock criou a original tecnologia de travamento por cunha que fixa uniões aparafusadas mesmo quando expostas a vibrações severas e cargas dinâmicas. É impossível para nossos produtos se soltarem intencionalmente devido à cunha criada embaixo da cabeça do parafuso e da porca.


Applications General steel applications
Material standard EN 1.7182
Size range Regular outer diameter M3-M130, #5 to 5"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M36, #6 to 1 3/8"
Corrosion resistance Minimum 1,000 hours in salt spray test (according to ISO 9227)
Hardening Through hardened
Washer hardness* ≥ 465HV1
Coating Basecoat Delta Protekt® KL100, Topcoat VH 302 GZ 
Standard products in range M6-M24 are available with Delta Seal GZ Black top coat (SP items not included)
Bolt grades Up to 12.9
Temperature range*** -50°C to 200°C
Product designation NL
Laser marking type code Traceable batch number and type code flZn

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.


Applications General stainless steel applications. Non chlorine / acid environments
Material standard EN 1.4404
Size range Regular outer diameter M3-M80, #5 to 3 1/8"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M30, #6 to 1 1/8"
Corrosion resistance PREN 27**
Hardening Surface hardened
Washer hardness* ≥ 520HV0,05
Bolt grades Up to A4-80
Temperature range*** -160°C to 500°C
Product designation NLss
Laser marking type code SS

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Corrosion resistance is known as PREN. PREN, or Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, is a theoretical number calculated from the chemical composition of the raw material. The formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.


Applications General salt water applications, pumps, chloride applications, heat exchangers, nuclear, desalination, food processing & medical equipment
Material standard EN 1.4547
Size range Regular outer diameter M3-M39, #5 to 1 1/2"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M27, #6-1"
Corrosion resistance PREN 45**
Hardening Surface hardened
Washer hardness* ≥ 600HV0,05
Temperature range*** -160°C to 500°C
Product designation NLss-254
Laser marking type code 254

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Corrosion resistance is known as PREN. PREN, or Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, is a theoretical number calculated from the chemical composition of the raw material. The formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.


Nord-Lock Alloy C-276 Washers

Applications General acidic environments, process and chemical industry, evaporators, offshore downhole tooling
Material standard EN 2.4819 or equivalent
Size range Regular outer diameter M4-M20, #8 to 5/8"
Enlarged outer diameter M8-M12, 5/16"
Corrosion resistance PREN 68**
Hardening Surface hardened
Washer hardness* ≥ 520HV0,05
Temperature range*** -160°C to 500°C
Product designation NLss-276
Laser marking type code 276

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Corrosion resistance is known as PREN. PREN, or Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, is a theoretical number calculated from the chemical composition of the raw material. The formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.

Nord-Lock Alloy 718 Washers

Applications Applications with high temperatures, gas turbines, turbo charges, incinerators
Material standard EN 2.4668 or equivalent
Size range Regular outer diameter M4-M20, #8 to 3/4"
Enlarged outer diameter M8-M12, 5/16"
Corrosion resistance PREN 29**
Hardening Surface hardened
Washer hardness* ≥ 620HV0,05
Temperature range*** -160°C to 700°C
Product designation NLss-718
Laser marking type code 718

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Corrosion resistance is known as PREN. PREN, or Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, is a theoretical number calculated from the chemical composition of the raw material. The formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.

All types of Nord-Lock washers

Material type
Steel Stainless
steel (ss)
254 SMO® ALLOY C-276 ALLOY 718
General steel applications General stainless steel applications. Non chlorine / acid environments General salt water applications, pumps, chloride applications, heat exchangers, nuclear, desalination, food processing & medical equipment General acidic environments, process and chemical industry, evaporators, offshore downhole tooling Applications with high temperatures, gas turbines, turbo charges, incinerators
Material standard
EN 1.7182 EN 1.4404 EN 1.4547 EN 2.4819 or equivalent EN 2.4668 or equivalent
Size range

Regular outer diameter M3-M130, #5 to 5"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M36, #6 to 1 3/8"

Regular outer diameter M3-M80, #5 to 3 1/8"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M30, #6 to 1 1/8"

Regular outer diameter M3-M39, #5 to 1 1/2"
Enlarged outer diameter M3.5-M27, #6-1"

Regular outer diameter M4-M20, #8 to 5/8"
Enlarged outer diameter M8-M12, 5/16"

Regular outer diameter M4-M20, #8 to 3/4"
Enlarged outer diameter M8-M12, 5/16"

Corrosion resistance
Minimum 1,000 hours in salt spray test (according to ISO 9227) PREN 27** PREN 45** PREN 68** PREN 29**
Through hardened Surface hardened Surface hardened Surface hardened Surface hardened
Washer hardness*
≥ 465HV1 ≥ 520HV0,05 ≥ 600HV0,05 ≥ 520HV0,05 ≥ 620HV0,05
Delta Protekt® KL100 zinc flake coating - - - -
Bolt grades
Up to 12.9 Up to A4-80      
Temperature range***
-50°C to 200°C -160°C to 500°C -160°C to 500°C -160°C to 500°C -160°C to 700°C
Product designation
Laser marking type code
flZn SS 254 276 718

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Corrosion resistance is known as PREN. PREN, or Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number, is a theoretical number calculated from the chemical composition of the raw material. The formula is: PREN = %Cr + 3.3x%Mo + 16x%N.

*** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.

Seleção do material das arruelas

Parâmetro da aplicação
Aço Aço inoxidável (ss) 254 SMO® ALLOY 
Tipo de aço
EN 1.7182  EN 1.4404  EN 1.4547  EN 2.4819 ou equivalente EN 2.4668 ou equivalente
Exemplos de aplicações
Aplicações gerais de aço Aplicações gerais de aço inoxidável. Ambientes sem cloro / ácido Aplicações gerais de água salgada, bombas, aplicações de cloro, permutadores de calor, nuclear, desalinhamento, processamento de alimentos e equipamentos médicos Ambientes ácidos em geral, setor químico e de processos, evaporadores, ferramentas de subsolo para plataformas continentais Aplicações com altas temperaturas, turbinas a gás, compressor turbo, incinerador
Disponível para tamanhos de parafusos disponível sob demanda


#5 a 5"


#5 a 3 1/8"


#5 a 1 1/2"

M3-M39 disponível sob demanda

#5 to 1 1/2" disponível sob demanda

M3-M39 disponível sob demanda

#5 to 1 1/2" disponível sob demanda

Tipos de arruelas

Diâmetro externo normal (NL3 - NL130)

Diâmetro externo maior (NL3,5sp - NL36sp)

Diâmetro externo normal (NL3ss - NL80ss)

Diâmetro externo maior (NL3,5spss - NL30spss)

Diâmetro externo normal (NL3ss-254 - NL39ss-254)

Diâmetro externo maior (NL3,5spss-254 - NL27spss-254)

Diâmetro externo normal (NL3ss-276 - NL39ss-276)

Diâmetro externo maior (NL3,5spss-276 - NL27spss-276)

Diâmetro externo normal (NL3ss-718 - NL39ss-718)

Diâmetro externo maior (NL3,5spss-718 -  NL27spss-718)

Tratamento / revestimento da superfície
Totalmente reforçadoRevestimento da base (KL100) e da parte superior (VH302GZ) Delta Protekt® Superfície reforçada Superfície reforçada Superfície reforçada Superfície reforçada
Dureza da arruela*
≥ 465HV1 ≥ 520HV0,05 ≥ 600HV0,05 ≥ 520HV0,05 ≥ 620HV0,05
Corrosion resistance
Resistência à corrosãoMínimo de 1,000 horas no teste de spray com sal (de acordo com a norma ISO9227) PREN 27** PREN 45** PREN 68** PREN 29**
Graus dos parafusos
Até 12.9 Até A4-80      
Faixa de temperatura***
-50°C a 200°C -160°C a 500°C -160°C a 500°C -160°C a 500°C -160°C a 700°C


* De modo a garantir a exclusiva função de travamento mecânico das arruelas da Nord-Lock, a dureza das superfícies de encaixe deve ser inferior à das arruelas da Nord-Lock (consulte a tabela acima). 

** PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number) = %Cr + 3,3x%Mo + 16x%N. Os valores da tabela são válidos para o material de base.

*** As recomendações de temperatura baseiam-se nas informações do fornecedor da matéria prima. A função de travamento não é afetada dentro da especificação.  

Rigidez da arruela

Para garantir a exclusiva função de travamento por cunha das arruelas Nord-Lock, a rigidez das superfícies de contato não deve exceder a rigidez das arruelas Nord-Lock.

Tipo de arruela Gama Revestimento de zinco em camadas flZnnc – 600 Sem revestimento
Arruelas de aço (Temperado) NL3 - NL42
NL45 - NL130
≥ 465 HV1
≥ 465 HV1
Arruelas de aço inoxidável (superfície enrijecida) NL3ss - NL80ss   ≥ 520 HV0.05
Arruelas SMO 254® NL3ss-254 - NL80ss-254   ≥ 600 HV0.05

Tabela de conversão da dureza

Vickers HV Brinell HB Rockwell HRC Rockwell HRA parafuso 8.8 parafuso 10.9 parafuso 12.9
300 285 29,8 65,5 |    
310 295 31,0 65,8 |    
320 304 32,2 66,4 | 320 HV  
330 314 33,3 67,0 | |  
335 319 33,9 67,3 335 HV |  
340 325 34,4 67,6   |  
350 333 35,5 68,1   |  
360 342 36,6 68,7   |  
370 352 37,7 69,2   |  
380 361 38,8 69,8   380 HV  
385 366 39,3 70,1     385 HV
390 371 39,8 70,3     |
400 380 40,8 70,8     |
410 390 41,8 71,4     |
420 399 42,7 71,8     |
430 409 43,6 72,3     |
435 414 44,1 72,5     435 HV
440 418 44,5 72,8      
460 437 46,1 73,6      
480 (456) 47,7 74,5      
500 (475) 49,1 75,3      
520 (494) 50,5 76,1      
540 (513) 51,7 76,7      

Casos de sucesso de clientes