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Bolted - Uma revista sobre tecnologias de aparafusamento
A revista Bolted se esforça para aumentar o conhecimento sobre montagens de parafusos e tópicos de engenharia. Publicada uma vez por ano, leia on-line ou assine a versão impressa gratuitamente.
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309 resultados

4 benefits of Nord-Lock Black Washers you should know about
Discover the 4 key benefits of Nord-Lock Black Washers! Enhance safety, durability & corrosion resistance.

Nord-Lock secures roof at Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier
The hollow-section roof construction over Westfield Hamburg Überseequartier presented numerous engineering challenges. In the end, Nord-Lock wedge-locking washers were the optimal solution to overcome the toughest one.

On critical missions marked by uncertainty and unexpected turns, the one thing you can control is ensuring the use of safe, reliable components. By doing so, whether descending into the sea, crossi...

Taking off the heat in steel forging with Superbolt®
Operators working in steel mills must deal with high heat, heavy lifts, and other tough conditions. Add to the picture the need for achieving high preloads in the furnaces’ bolted connections, and...

Aiming for smoother production with Superbolt®
The American manufacturing plant produces match grade brass ammunition casings. To ensure their high-end equipment is fully operational in producing their brass rifle casings of the highest quality...

Overcoming trouble-ridden installation with Superbolt® in hydropower plants
The size and lack of accessibility in hydropower turbines constantly presents operators with significant installation and maintenance challenges. For one customer, it entailed difficulties when try...

O que acontece com a pré-carga e a força de fixação quando cargas externas são aplicadas?
Geralmente, aplicamos o torque por meio de uma chave inglesa ao parafuso ou à porca para gerar a carga de aperto necessária. Essa carga de aperto é chamada de pré-carga. A pré-carga é definida como...

The Holy Grail of Jackbolt Tensioning
Since the launch of the Superbolt Multi-Jackbolt Tensioner (MJT) in 1984, efforts have been made to constantly improve efficiency.

Getting Smart with Superbolt
Nord-Lock Group has developed a smart preload monitoring technology, taking the Superbolt Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners (MJTs) to the next level.

The Experts: Why do Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners prevent loss of preload?
Superbolts have been used in numerous demanding bolting applications with extreme working loads and high vibrations. What mechanical principle of Superbolts prevent loss of preload?

Bolted - Uma revista sobre tecnologias de aparafusamento
A revista Bolted se esforça para aumentar o conhecimento sobre montagens de parafusos e tópicos de engenharia. Publicada uma vez por ano, leia on-line ou assine a versão impressa gratuitamente.

What Are the Thermal Effects on Preloaded Joints?
Due to temperature variations, parts and fasteners expand or contract with various amplitudes depending on rate of temperature change, the mass and size of parts, conductivity of metals, and the coefficient of expansion of each individual materials.