NORD-LOCK® Originele Borgringen
Hoe gebruik je onze Nord-Lock originele borgringen.

Durable Bolted Joints in Steel Construction
Nord-Lock's steel construction experts share vital experience and knowledge to achieve durable bolted joints for steel structures.

How Much Force is Required to Tighten a Bolt?
You can use the weight of heavy animals to understand the exponential torque force required to tighten larger bolt sizes

The Experts: Can I Use Nord-Lock Wedge-Locking Washers on Painted Surfaces?
Nord-Lock wedge-locking washers are an effective bolt securing method for use on coated surfaces in offshore industries

What to consider when reusing bolted joints?
A bolt is installed in a factory without lubrication and everything works fine… until the first time the bolt is removed and reused. Then the problems start. Why?

3 Tips to Choose the Right Bolt Securing Solution
Do you work with planned maintenance? Are you seeking a solution that will prevent bolt loosening in your applications? Depending on the application, bolt loosening can have profound consequences b...

What Are the Thermal Effects on Preloaded Joints?
Due to temperature variations, parts and fasteners expand or contract with various amplitudes depending on rate of temperature change, the mass and size of parts, conductivity of metals, and the coefficient of expansion of each individual materials.

What Is the Load Transfer Factor?
When utilizing hydraulic bolt tensioners to induce a controlled preload into a bolted joint, several key factors including load transfer factor need to be examined.

The Experts: The making or breaking of bolted joints
What is Hooke’s Law and why is it crucial to bolted joints? Hooke’s Law relates to the accurate tightening of bolted joints. When examining a bolt’s behaviour, the axial force is plotted against th...

Top Tips from the Bolting Expert
Japan’s foremost expert in bolting and author of 'Bolted joint engineering' - Doctor Tomotsugu Sakai - shares his insights about bolt fastening

Best Way to Improve Fatigue Resistance of a Bolted Joint
The fatigue capacity of a bolted joint is very small, as compared to its static capacity. To improve fatigues resistance, we look into ways to reduce alternating stresses at the threads.