We have more information about the new Boltight TSR+ auto return tensioners to share with you!
From product information to technical data, get in touch with us to receive them now.
The all new TSR+ auto return tensioner range has been designed to ensure fast, simple, safe and reliable operation.
The TSR+ tensioner has an auto retraction time that is almost four times faster than the existing TSR tensioner. To ensure interchangeability and ease of customer upgrades to the new range, TSR+ load cells have exactly the same overall dimensions and hydraulic specifications as the existing TSR load cells.
Aside from speed and compatibility, there are several other features that set TSR+ apart from other tensioners and brings anticipation of high demand in offshore industries, such as oil & gas.
We have more information about the new Boltight TSR+ auto return tensioners to share with you!
From product information to technical data, get in touch with us to receive them now.