Superbolt è stata la prima azienda al mondo a rivoluzionare dadi e bulloni con la tecnologia di tensionamento multi-jackbolt. Da allora, la nostra tecnologia è stata collaudata in decine di migliaia di installazioni di successo e continuiamo a sviluppare numerose soluzioni per risolvere le sfide di serraggio del futuro.

Superbolt Tool

Superbolt Multi-Jackbolt Tensioners (MJTs) allow users to tighten large bolts accurately with simple hand tools. The new Superbolt Tool adds an extra layer of speed to this solution by tightening all the jackbolts simultaneously.

Although Superbolt tensioners are already quick and easy to use, the added speed of the Superbolt Tool can benefit those who use a high number of MJTs and/or those who have frequent maintenance schedules, as the Tool reduces installation and removal times considerably.

The Superbolt Tool provides fast and accurate application of torque to multiple jackbolts. This maintains accurate bolt loading and provides even jackbolt load application, along with minimizing procedural requirements.

The Superbolt Tool range includes several drive units and cassettes to primarily suit the Superbolt MJT range M33 to M120. Design and delivery times are based on the parameters of each individual project and the sizes needed. Tool sales are project-based.

The key principle behind the Superbolt Tool is Powered by UniForce Technology – invented by Nord-Lock Group. The patented technology consists of a unique scroll and ball gear mechanism for uniform and high transfer of torque. In operation, effective torque amplification is achieved in a very compact design – with input torque kept to a minimum. 

Advantages of the Superbolt Tool

  • Fast tightening and untightening minimizes production and maintenance schedules
  • Improved maintenance planning maximizes revenue
  • Use of existing input tooling ensures quality assurance programs remain unaffected
  • Increased safety as pinch points have been designed out
  • Lightweight, modular equipment for easy handling

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