Ensuring safety in student racing

Student formula racing is gaining popularity in Korea. The Korean Formula Student Competition (KSAE) allows engineering students to design and race their own cars - putting their engineering skills to the test in a real life environment.

BAQU4 is the formula student team from Hanyang University, one of the most prestigious institutions in the country that is well known for its engineering program. The team first participated in the Formula Student Competition in 2012 and won the grand prize in the formula section. Since then, they have been performing at a consistently high level and improving the quality of the race car they build every year.

The skill and passion of the student engineers caught the attention of Nord-Lock Group, which now sponsors the team and supports their engineering efforts. “This sponsorship has served as an opportunity for us to grow as engineers,” explains a team member. “Nord-Lock Group is a company that has encouraged us to reconsider the word ‘safety’, one of the most basic principles, which school does not really teach us.”


Getting the opportunity to use Nord-Lock washers taught the students the value of high-quality fasteners and the difference they can make to the performance of an application. “Until now, we had been using nylon nuts and safety wires to prevent loosening but the effect did not last long,” explains one of the students. “We noticed a clear difference when we used Nord-Lock washers.”

Nord-Lock Group regularly supports various local initiatives related to the future of engineering. Let us know about your project through info@nord-lock.com, or by contacting your local office.

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