Superbolt mullisti ensimmäisenä maailmassa mutterit ja pultit monipulttisella kiristystekniikalla (MJT, multi-jackbolt tensioning). Siitä lähtien tekniikka on osoitettu toimivaksi kymmenissätuhansissa onnistuneissa asennuksissa. Kehitämme edelleen paljon erilaisia ratkaisuja selvittämään seuraavan sukupolven pulttaushaasteet.
Where innovation and flexibility meet
The Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut (LSF) is the newest addition to our Load-Sensing portfolio/SMART family of products, pairing next-level innovation with incredible flexibility.
The LSF’s built-in sensors automatically measure and communicate preload values, allowing for seamless remote monitoring; and this SMART product can be used in conjunction with any type of tightening method (tensioning, torquing, heating, etc.).
Superbolt LSF as a counter nut on the reactive side
Can be used in conjunction with any type of bolting method!
Haluatko lisätietoa kuorman tunnistavasta kiristimestä?
Benefits of the LSF
- Measures preload with an accuracy that is better than ±5%
- Reduces stress concentration of threads
- Easy to operate, no advanced training needed
- Both local and remote monitoring options
- Robust and reliable, IP67 classed