Improving Wind Farm Performance: A Guide to Monitoring Preload in Bolted Joints
Secure bolted joints are critical for the operation and safety of infrastructure but ensuring that these joints are tightened, and stay tightened, to the correct preload can be a challenging task. As wind turbines get bigger - in increasingly harsh environments or on floating platforms - bolted connections are reaching their capacity limits and are often complex to design, install, and maintain.
Traditional methods for monitoring preload, such as using torque wrenches or ultrasonic measurement, can be time-consuming and inaccurate. Now, with the advancement of SMART technologies, it's possible to install sensors on the joint and monitor the preload remotely – transmitting data via a Cloud and reading it from a smartphone or computer dashboard.
In this video, we will focus on the role of Nord-Lock Group’s SMART solutions - Superbolt Load-Sensing Tensioner (LST) and Superbolt Load-Sensing Flexnut (LSF) - for monitoring bolted joints in the wind industry and how they can help to improve safety, efficiency, and performance of wind turbines.