Applications Heavy on-road vehicles and off-road vehicles
Washer material Steel EN 1.7182
Hardening Through hardened*
Corrosion resistance Minimum 600 hours in salt spray test (according to ISO 9227)
Temperature range -50°C to 150°C**
Product designation NLWN
Laser marking Traceable batch number and type code flZn
Size range M16 - M24
Coating Basecoat Delta Protekt® KL100, Topcoat VH 302 GZ
Lubrication Dry film lubricant/lubricating paste
Property class Class 10, ISO 898-2

* Washer hardness must be greater than the hardness of the mating surfaces in order to assure its mechanical function.

** Temperature recommendations are based on information from the raw material supplier and testing. The locking function is not affected within the specified range.

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