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Bolting expertise combined
Mechanical tensioning and hydraulic tensioning are common methods to tighten large size bolts, each with its own strong advantages. Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners have been on the market since 1984, allowing bolted joints to be tightened mechanically without specialized skills or heavy tooling. But what if there was a product that combined the strengths of both Superbolt mechanical tensioning and Boltight hydraulic tensioning into one?
A world-first in versatility
That product is here, in the innovative VersaTite Hydraulic Mechanical Tensioner. VersaTite is poised to revolutionize the tensioning business by combining the speed and uniformity of hydraulic tensioners with the accuracy of mechanical tensioners. VersaTite provides versatility in multiple ways:
The Nord-Lock Group is focused on providing secure bolting solutions. In addition to their wedge-locking solutions and Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners, Boltight hydraulic tensioning solutions and Expander System pivot technology are part of the Nord-Lock Group as well. The growing portfolio and knowledge vested in the teams behind the solutions truly positions Nord-Lock Group as the global go-to source for all types of challenging bolting applications.
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