Terms and conditions

Legal information and Disclaimer 

Last revised: 2018-05-18

Please note the seller is Nord-Lock GmbH in Germany

1. General
By accessing this website, you agree to be bound by the terms herein. This site is provided to you by Nord-Lock International AB, reg. no. 556610-5739, with address S:t Johannesgatan 1D, 211 46 Malmö Sweden, e-mail shop@nord-lock.com ("we", "us", "Nord-Lock"). This site is provided "as is" and is provided to you without any warranties. We may change this site as we please.

Nord-Lock provides its services and goods subject to certain terms and conditions, which can be found at our website.

Any suggestions and comments about the site and our business are welcome, however, we will not treat them as confidential and reserve the right to use them as we see fit.

2. Ownership
All materials on the site, including content, graphics, posts, texts, videos, audio and trademarks are made available to you for your personal use and are proprietary to Nord-Lock and its affiliates and partners. All materials on this site are protected by copyright, patent, trademarks, and/or other intellectual property laws. You may save and/or print extracts from this website only for your own personal non-commercial use. Any other form of reproduction or commercial use of such materials is strictly forbidden without Nord-Locks prior written consent.

3. Liability and indemnity
To the extent permitted by applicable law, we at Nord-Lock do not accept responsibility for any statement or declaration on the Nord-Lock website. We will not be liable for any loss or damage as a result of your actions based on viewing any content on this website. By accessing this site, you agree to indemnify Nord-Lock and any of its affiliates and officers against, and hold them harmless from, any and all claims and damages, including attorney's fees, arising from or in connection with your use of the site. The site is provided “as is” and without any warranties regarding the reliance of the material and content provided herein. Marketing information does in no way guarantee certain qualities within Nord-Locks products.

The site may link to third party sites. These sites are not under our control and we assume no liability for the content or material of them. Nord-Lock does not warrant that these sites will be free from infection, viruses, worms, Trojan horses and/or other similar code. You are responsible for virus checking and taking any other protective steps. 

4. Service availability
While Nord-Lock shall endeavour to make this site available at all times, we cannot guarantee its availability. Nord-Lock will not be liable if, for any reason, the site is unavailable for any period of time or for any delay while accessing the site.

Access to this site may be suspended at any time without prior notice being given.

5. Personal data
Please see our Privacy Notice for details on how we access, collect, share, store and process your personal data and information about your rights. 

6. Changes and updates to this legal information and disclaimer
As we will constantly strive to update and improve this website, this legal disclaimer may also change from time to time, at our sole discretion and without prior notification. We reserve the right to make such changes without your consent. Any revised information herein will be applicable at the time of posting. Please review this legal information and disclaimer regularly to ensure you are up to date with the rules herein.

7. No waiver
Failure by Nord-Lock to enforce or insist upon any provision of this legal disclaimer, or any other provision established by us, shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right of Nord-Lock.

8. Governing law and jurisdiction
This legal information and disclaimer, as well as any information on this website that may be subject to legal interpretation, shall be read and interpreted in accordance with Swedish law. In case of any legal dispute arising from any material on this website, the Swedish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction with Stockholm’s district court as the court of first instance, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

However, if you have questions or complaints concerning the material on this website, we ask that you first contact us at shop@nord-lock.com and we will do our best to resolve the matter in good faith.

In case of any legal dispute arising from any kind of e-commerce service offered on our website, and we are unable to resolve your issue in good faith, you are welcome to submit your matter to Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden (ARN) to have your issues tried by ARN. Nord-Lock will take a final position on the matter in question after it has been tried by ARN. As a consumer, you also have the right to submit a complaint at the European Commission’s site for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), found here:https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home.show.

If we are not able to, or for any reason do not, settle or resolve your e-commerce issue through alternative dispute settlement or Online Dispute Resolution, the Swedish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction with Stockholm’s district court as the court of first instance, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

If the competent court finds that any provision of this legal information and disclaimer is invalid or unenforceable, the provision in question and all other provisions shall be valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law.